MASS FAILURE BY STUDENT: SOME OF THE REASONS STUDENT FAIL BY AYANDABO BAMIDELE. Some student fails due to the lack of preparations for exam, preparing in the day of exam; by cramming putting pressure on them self. Late coming to school is also a factor we Should consider when listing the causes of mass failure, because the normal school hour is 7:30. A responsible student should be on the assembly ground by then preparing for morning devotions, and listening to all important informations that are needed to be passed for the day. The moment a student comes late to class, he or she won't know what the teacher taught them on that day, while some of these student gang's up at the back of the school to discuss, disseminate, unworthy issues while some of their colleagues are in class. I would also like to consider negligence on the teacher path, why because some teachers don't give scheme...
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