I am in love with my ex

I woke up when I heard the sound of my alarm, getting up from my bed, I stretched lazily. The holiday was finally over, that means early to bed or not, you still have to wake up early. I looked at my wall clock, it was just six thirty a.m. I was still early and my stomach was growling; sign that I was famished. I didn't eat my dinner last night and anything I get hold of will do alright.
Without making any sound, I tiptoed to our kitchen making sure no one heard the sound of my feet. I was walking as careful as I could, at the same time looking from my right to my left, just to make sure no one was secretly watching me especially my mother, she was an early riser. I was in no mood for morning lectures from my mother, and that is just what I am trying so hard to avoid by tiptoeing.
I opened the kitchen door as slow as I can, just to make sure it doesn't make any noise or wake others that were asleep.
I looked through the Kitchen cabinet where mother keeps some side dishes.
I went to the fridge. Searching through it as quiet as I could. I found an apple, that will do for now. I took the apple, as I was about to eat it, suddenly I heard a voice.
" Susan, don't you think it's too early for that." I murmured, making all sort of face. All this while my face was hidden by the owner of the voice.
Although I can't see the person, I would recognise the voice anywhere. I try my best not to stomp my feet on the floor.
I was been careful, what could have happened? I questioned myself. This was truly annoying.
Turning around to face my mother; one hand on her hips and the other at her side, while she was tapping her feet on the ground. As if she was in a hurry to get somewhere.
I smiled slowly, even if it wasn't from my heart. Dropping the apple back inside the fridge. I made a mental note to come back for the apple. I just love apples.
My mother was watching my every step like a hawk. After dropping the apple, I stood there like a robot waiting for a command.
"Don't you have to prepare for school. Are you going to stand there staring at me?" I stood there dumb. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. That is so unlike my mother; she would have to lecture me on how bad it was eating first in the morning.
I guess luck was on my side.
I walked as fast as I could before mother changes her mind.
Running to my room. I danced as I moved to the bathroom. Finally, I was a senior. The school was going to be interesting, can't wait to get dress. I have always wanted to be a senior, finishing my high school so I could finally have freedom; that involves living alone at the university. No parents monitoring my movement.
After my bath, I dressed in my school uniform; short purple skirt, stopping exactly at my knee. I was not like those girls that reveal too much. I wore my white long sleeve shirt, with my purple tie. Putting on my black socks and my black shoe.
I checked myself in the mirror.
Yes! This will do.
I was 17 and I was rocking. I ran straight to the dining room, I was still famished and I can't wait to have a taste of my mum's delicious meal. That would be one of the things I would miss after going to the university.
After peacefully eating a bowl of beans and plantain. I said goodbye to my mom, dad was still asleep, I guess and I was not ready to wake him up. I was the only child, so no siblings. Though it was sometimes boring to be alone at home. But it also had some advantages.
I walked to school, my school was not far from home. So I walked most of the times.
Getting to school around 7:20.a.m
Getting to school around 7:20.a.m
The school was still the same, apart from the new juniors just enrolling in school. The junior school building was to the left, while the senior school building was to the right. The junior building were bungalows. We, seniors, stayed at the two-storey-building. At the front of the building 'WELCOME BACK TO DESTINY HIGH SCHOOL' was written in bold letters.
As I was walking to my new class, I suddenly felt a hand grabbed me from behind. I was scared and was about to curse the person, only to turn around and see Tina; my best friend.
Hugging Tina tightly. I really have missed her. She was the first to break from the hug.
"Sussy, happy resumption". She laughed.
I smack her at the back playfully, holding her hand so she won't retaliate. I dragged her into our classroom. Tina was not only my best friend but also my sit partner so we were very close.
A few minutes later, after catching up on our holiday. We heard the bell for assembly. Oh! How I hate Assembly.
All students marched to the Assembly Hall. According to class, from the juniors to the seniors. I was overwhelmed that it was my final year in High school.
After assembly was over. We all marched to our various classroom. I was an art student. The best department in the school.
Since it was the first day of school, we didn't have much to do. The most teachers did not attend class. So we were just having fun, playing and chatting.
Since it was the first day of school, we didn't have much to do. The most teachers did not attend class. So we were just having fun, playing and chatting.
I was chatting with my group mate or friends made up of; Tina, Lawrence ( a.k.a the troublemaker), Amaka (a.k.a BBC), Soji ( our school head boy) and of course me.
We were all discussing our holiday. When Amaka decided to change the topic.
" Have you guys heard the latest? " She said looking at us one by one. As if she was actually expecting an answer.
" And what's the latest? " Lawrence replied, without waiting for Amaka's response he continued.
" It is a just first day of resumption, and you already have a news," he said while eyeing Amaka.
" It is a just first day of resumption, and you already have a news," he said while eyeing Amaka.
I don't know what was between those two, they were always trying to pick up a fight with each other.
" Lawrence, let hear from Amaka, is it not too early to pick up a fight ?" This time it was Tina that spoke.
I nodded my head in agreement with Tina's idea.
Amaka seeing that we were all eager to hear the news, well apart from Lawrence who didn't care. She continued.
" A new student is joining us in senior year and the most interesting thing are that he is coming to our class and he is very handsome, let's say an epitome of beauty ". She said smiling, looking from left to right. Maybe to see if anyone was as excited about the news like her.
It was unbelievable, they don't admit a new student to senior year. The school cares about its reputation and also want results.
" That must be a rumour, we all know they don't admit New student in senior year". I said.
The rest nodded in agreement.
The rest nodded in agreement.
Amaka was trying to prove her rumour "I saw..." but she was cut short when our class teacher Mr Okiki walked in with a new student. Everyone ran to their various seat.
So it was true. There really was a new student. I looked up to capture the face of the new student.
Alas!, he wasn't a new student to me. My sixth sense organ (if that exist) arose, sending danger warnings. I could see my teacher mouth moving, but I wasn't listening to any of what he was saying. My heart was suddenly beating faster in my chest. To say I was shocked was an understatement. My mouth was left agape.
That guy was Adrian my ex. I snapped out from my train of thoughts when I felt a hand tapping me. It was Sarah.
" The teacher calls for your attention." I diverted my attention back to the teacher, after mouthing a 'thank you ' to her.
I looked at Adrian, he was still the same, but just taller, more handsome, he has more muscular build, his dark hair now darker and full than the last time I set my eyes on him. His black eyes were staring back at me. I was fidgeting on my seat.
I suddenly saw him moving towards my seat.
" Excuse me, can I sit with you ?".
" No". My replied was firm. I didn't even think about it. It was also Tina's seat. I looked around only to see Tina sitting next to Chisom, one of our classmates.
" I am sitting here, with or without your consent."
What! Who the heck does he think he was.
" That's all for today, see you guys later. And Adrian feels at ease. Wish you all best of luck in your senior year. I would come back to elect the new class representative. " Mr Okiki left immediately.
" Nice to see you again bae." He said with a smirk on his face.
I guess being wrong, this was definitely going to be a long senior year.
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