
Showing posts from 2020

Clarity of mind

My mind has being polluted, Yes, polluted by the society. Polluted by the false promises, those I held dear to heart. Only to be ignored and trampled upon, again! My brain has being polluted, Yes, polluted by the society blinded by greed. When you have no money, Surely you are nothing.  I never seek more than I could bargain. My heart has being Polluted, Yes, polluted by words that held no depth. I love you doesn't mean I won't betray you. I just said it cause it needed to be said for a moment. Now, I'm learning to love me. My conscience has being  polluted, Yes, polluted by forgiveness after every sin. I did kill, and say I am sorry. That surely will wash my sin away. Yet, I tried to be different.  Yes, I have being polluted to be different. Different from the girl I was. Wendara2020

Not the First Person.

Not the first one. ”You are not the first person to ever do that.” That was mama’s favourite phrase in the world. Whatever I did, she had always encouraged me with that phrase. Whenever I lost hope, even in her absence, my mind would depend on her dim voice at the back of my head. And I would picture her in her wrappers, and flip flops, shaking her head and a perfect set of white teeth on display, as she said the phrase. At seven, when I had bitten Kalu and broke Kitan’s arm. She had said that phrase and told me not to blame myself too much. Many people had done it, and a lot more people would do worst. I was just little among those. At ten, when I had insulted my teacher for making a mockery of me in class. Mama had said, it was the teachers fault for mocking me, and she deserved it. Moreover, I was not the first person to ever do that. She had transferred me to a better private school, where teachers didn’t have the right to mock their students. She had to spend extra hours at work

Come back.

It’s being a long time I was here. And I am feeling like an extremely lazy writer. But, with all hopes an constant practice.  I decided to come back and I think it will be better than before. Thank you all.