LOVE AND OBSESSION I would like to say that not all that claim that they are in love are actually in love, some are in obsession. The phase if I can't have her, no one will, shows a great level of obsession. Truly, if you love the person just like you claim too. Why can't you let go when the person does not respond to the feeling. It is love when you respect the persons' feeling and let go. wishing that one person happiness wherever he or she wants to be, or with who ever he or she wants. Obsession is seeing someone you claim to love being in pain in your presence, being in pain from being in the same environment as you are, yet you can't let go off that person. You want the person close to you all time regardless of the pain he or she felt. Holding someone against their wish is obsession. Claiming someone is your possession, or claiming you own a person all shows obsession. Love is free and understanding. You are part of who you love, not the owne...