

Many thought they are free to do whatever they want, but actually, many are slaves to themselves. I know it's been a while I post something on this blog. I have been busy and all that. So sorry about that.

Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw unilaterally from such an arrangement and works without remuneration. According to wikipedia.

Some are slaves to themselves. They have given themselves to others to control them, and has lost themselves in the wall built around them. Submitting themselves fully to the trust of others; who could mis-use the opportunity giving to them. 

They try to control the individual, wanting he/ she to please them. Forgetting the need of others to make their own choice and decisions. It is more like selling yourself cheaply to others to do what they feel like with you. Not being able to make your own decision boldly is a type of slavery you have put yourself under.

I remember vividly, that whenever I try to make a decision I usually need the help of others. Unknown to me, I have been taken for granted. They all believe I couldn't think myself, I would always need their help and they can mock me as much as they like.

Just running to them everytime I am in need of their help has put me under a type of slavery - where the people I have put my trust in believe that I am a joke to them. They could treat me anyhow because of the love I have for them. 

Fight fr yourself and say no to self slavery.


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